Friday, August 6, 2010

Carrie Miller's Birthday

So my husband made me a cake....who knew he had it in him? =) And the rose was a gift from Jesus to me, simply beautiful! And how young am I? Younger than you might think. (I really don't want to talk about it.)

Thursday, August 5, 2010


So, I am going to do a few more blogs....since I am way behind on updating everyone on our Orcas Adventures. This will not be my last blog. Life has just picked up its pace a little bit. However, we leave in two days for Colorado Springs! Look out Colorado here we come!

Friday, July 16, 2010

A Trip to the Beach at Moran State Park

When my sister Jill and her family came to visit over the 4th of July we visited Moran State Park on the other side of Orcas Island - here are some pictures of this beautiful park. We also have a beach that we can walk to from the house we are staying at, but there are no starfish at this beach. One night we walked to the beach that is close to us, as a family, and the girls prayed to see a sea creature and when we got there out of the water poked a seal! Today we saw a bald eagle fly in front of us and perch on a tree! But we didn't have a camera, :( so no pictures.....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

We really grew something beautiful!

Some of you know last year Ryan and I tried to have a garden. Key word being "tried." But look! This year we have beautiful radishes! Thank you Jesus!

"All creation groans, longing to be released into the glorious liberty of the children of God!"
Romans 8

The sun shining, growing things -beauty all around, miracles of life - I LOVE IT!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Rhema's 5th Birthday

Rhema had a fabulous birthday! Aunt Jill and Uncle Mike, Simeon and Calob were here, and also spent the 4th of July with us. It was such a fun time. We love you Rhema Sunshine Miller! Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Camping Out

There is a fire pit next to our cabin, so every once in a while we grill our dinner outside and then have smores for dessert. We also brought our tent and the girls have been enjoying camping out! Here are some pictures of Ryan and his bushy island beard, hee, hee. And the girls reading books by the fire in their pajamas. Gotta love it!

Our 12th Anniversary

So, this year we didn't have a babysitters for our anniversary-but we managed alright. I hung some sheets in the gazebo outside and we had a candlelight dinner, romantic music and all. (After we put the kiddos to bed) Here are a few pictures:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Just Chillin......

Whenever there is sun- which we have truly learned to appreciate, we spend the day outside! On Saturday, the little town here had a parade to celebrate the sun! On the island they hardly get sun, there is so much rain and cloudiness! They live for sunny summer days! It is so beautiful here-but so much more beautiful when the sun is shining and you can be outdoors! In the mornings and evenings it is about 40 degrees, and I think we have had a high of 70 degrees, maybe?